We offer you: 

  • experience of participating in organisation of events, ability to deal with unexpected situations, happy event visitors, satisfaction with the performed work;
  • to make contacts in the cultural industry – creative persons, artists, musicians, technical personnel, etc.;
  • to develop organisational, communication skills and abilities, getting to know the behind-the-scenes of organising events;
  • opportunity to learn about the activities of the cultural industry;
  • flexible practice hours, as well as working remotely;
  • to be part of a team organising exciting and diverse cultural events in Valmiera Municipality;
  • opportunity to attend the events of cooperation partners free of charge;
  • excursion in the brewery, tasting of various brews, more friendly offer on drinks and food made in Valmiermuiža.

We expect you to:

  • be attracted by and interested in modern Latvian culture;
  • have the ability to learn quickly, be independent and not shy to ask for advice, because you believe that “almost good” is never good;
  • have good communication skills and feel comfortable in a team;
  • possess attention, diligence, precision and a sense of responsibility;
  • have skills working with social networks;
  • have desire to develop, strive for growth, excellence.

Possible responsibilities, taking into account the direction of studies: 

  • participation in organisation of international Valmiermuiža ethnomusic festival;
  • creation of content and communication for Valmiermuiža ethnomusic festival social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok);
  • exploration, recommendation and implementation of events in Valmiermuiža (near Valmiera);
  • involvement in planning and organisation of annual celebrations and markets;
  • participation in high-quality process of cultural events organised by the association – live music evenings, outdoor cinema, etc.;
  • implementation of technical needs of events;
  • research of supply and demand of cultural life.

Apply by describing the direction and specifics of your studies, your experience and motivation by e- mailing to kultura@valmiermuiza.lv.